Friday 7 September 2018

varmakalai training academy in chennai



About varmakalai

Varmam is one of the traditional  art of tamilan. Varmam is originated in India thousands of years ago and spread to Tamil Nadu, Tamil Eelam, Kerala and eastern parts of modern Andhra. In this art Agathiyar is one of the best Siddhars.
Varmam can not be taught to everyone. The teacher will teach his student only 12 years after learning his habits. If one is attacked by this, it can be adjusted using the treatment method alone.
When one learns that there is no other species in the world, it is the life of the most intelligent descendant. This is a collection of facts that our ancestors have studied and analyzed. Most of our Tamil people  ​​are not aware of the amazing uses of this rare art of varmam. It has many secrets. This art has been bumped into a short circle from the very beginning The only way to survive in the Siddha medicine was the fact that it was spread in many places. Since it is very easy to risk, there are those who handled it in order not to go into the hands of the wrongdoers.

Our forefathers, who knew very well about our body system, were aware of the methods of controlling its movement and also varmam is based on its origin.
One of the traditional arts of Tamils Worship is known in ancient times by Shiva Siddhas. This worm that has been handled by siddhars is to be used only for creative work; The rule is not to use for destruction work. The art of being used only for medicine has evolved into the 'Naramadi' martial art. Our ancestors made it a mystery because social enemies would affect others if they misused it. The tradition of Tamils ​​is celebrated in different places in the world today. Those who are well versed in the Varnakalai can do a man. People who are unable to perform well for years have been able to get up with their treatment methods. At the same time, he can put his life in a place where he can put an end to his life by squeezing the finger. Because of such dangerous things, the varma kalai is still a mystery. Experts know how much they can affect any part of the body if any of the points are stressed.
All the nerves in the body are full of the life cycle of  'Prana Gas'. From the birth to the death, the life of the wind will last. It affects the movement of human beings, which occurs when the bio-to-air nerves occur, which means that the breeze is interrupted. The impact of these disruptions will be limited or permanent at a smaller or larger scale.

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